
Hilarious Video: Republican Debate, Speechless

Birth Control Works9/01/2015 7:27:04 am PDT

re: #227 ObserverArt

Is that what we are doing? I am agreeing with you except that you seem to want a change that isn’t coming in an organization that has been the way it is for hundreds of years.

Sorry you see it that way. I’ll not broach the subject with you further.

If I felt you were trying to understand my point of view, I’d be more understanding. All I seem to hear is that I am wrong.

Much like Fox News telling black people that —well you know — Rationalization and Justification for continuning the current power structure that is destroying our species and much of the planet.

Saying the Church has always been this way isn’t a convincing argument to me. I’d like to hear how we can pressure it to change. Waiting for the Pope to hold out more than a carrot is a losing proposition —because the current power structure will doing nothing but bait us —take our money and continue with business as usual.