
George Will's Climate Change Column, Part 3

hopperandadropper2/28/2009 7:27:14 pm PST

re: #223 Jimmah

Jimmah, it is hard to follow your reasoning. Temperatures have not risen sharply over the past ten years, so your statement “temperatures have risen sharply over the past few decades” is demonstrably untrue. Then, to support your arguments, you cite the authority of a pro-AGW blog that cannot possibly be viewed as a purely objective source of information.

You have said repeatedly that variations in solar output can’t be a factor in the climate variations that have been observed. In saying that, you ignore the fact that observations of sunspots (the only observation of solar activity for which we have a record that goes back for several hundred years) correlate well with the climate patterns we have observed on Earth during those years. In fact, so far as I have seen the records of sunspot activity correlate better with Earth climate than any record (actual, proxy, or estimated) of CO2.

What up, dog?