
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

zombie1/30/2009 6:57:49 pm PST

re: #220 jwb7605

What do you think the situation would be if Charles (or you) were as well funded as Kos?

Not much different, frankly. And here’s why:

Both LGF and zombietime are one-person operations. (I’m stepping out of line even including myself in the same category as LGF, since it gets 10x the number of visitors as me and posts wayyyyyy more topics, but you get the idea.) My “bottleneck,” and I suspect Charles’ as well, is not a lack of money but a lack of time. And you can’t get more time than exists — there’s only 24 hours a day. So, really, extra money wouldn’t help me much. And I suspect wouldn’t help Charles much, since he does his own coding and decision already anyway.

The “DailyKos” blog, by contrst, is a vast group effort, with dozens of moderators and coders and hundreds of contributors and thousands of “diarists,” etc. Markos Moulitsas is merely the public face and the founder of a gigantic organization.