
Julian Lage Trio, Live in Studio

Dangerman2/15/2021 8:50:39 am PST

Is anybody fuming at this ‘jurisdictional technicality’ vote defense bullshit?
I am.

The Republicans, from trump on down to these senators have perverted the entire concept of ‘voting’.

You are a member of the senate. You took an oath.
You made the senate voting rules.
You are part of the body and you voluntarily participated
You agree how the system is supposed to work, at least in advance, (or maybe you don’t and i’d shut up but you’d never admit to that.)

You took another rarely invoked, special oath.
There is a vote.
Your position on the vote lost.

Now ‘ignoring the result’ of that vote, you vote to acquit and justify it by ignoring the first vote.

Voiding the process you just took part in. This is worse than mere jury nullification.
Because you voted for the process and then voted in the process and the result of that vote was that this trial is ‘constitutional’.

You created a Second Big Lie and did it exactly the same way Trump did with the first. By ignoring what happened in the vote that *you actually participated in* and would have been fine with if the result when your way.

How is this not the exact same perversion of reality that Trump just tried to pull off, without the storming the castle part?

There were no remaining ‘technical grounds’ or arguments once you voted on it. Now you want to ignore it because you didn’t get the result you wanted because there were more who voted the other way. (Note *not* tribally more D’s than R’s, but yea votes.)

So an election, a vote is meaningless - I ‘declare’ what I want to be the case instead because no one can stop me or force me.

And now we 100% most certainly cannot trust an R on anything.
They do not respect the process or system they are participating in unless they win.
And even if they don’t, like 5 year olds, they pretend they did.