
Video: #Romney Concession Speech and #Obama Victory Speech

Lidane11/07/2012 12:29:14 pm PST

The Freepers are being their usual calm, rational selves:

Exit polls: Obama’s winning coalition of women and nonwhites

I was in Boston during the first day of the 2004 convention. I remember seeing a white female with a button which read “Women and minorities unite” on her clothing. And she likely voted for John Kerry. Twisted people won last night.

the number of men voting in elections has been declining for years.

According to CNN, there have been 12 consecutive elections since 1964 where women outnumbered men voters.

Republican women can’t do this alone. Why aren’t the men voting?

Time to turn back the clock when it comes to voting rights.

Yes, I’m perfectly serious.

The establishment will look at the exit polls and conclude that the next republican nominee should be pro-choice, pro-amnesty to cut into this Dem majority. Things will likely get much worse before they get better.

The numbers that Bill Bennett had on his show this morning were that Obama got 74% of the Asian vote and 69% of the Hispanic vote. That is an enormous problem for the GOP in the future. Demographics is destiny…

Women, blacks and foreigners will line their death nest with the remnants of a great civilization. They can have it. Better dead than red.

The problem isn’t women so much as the problem is single women, who want the government to be there to take care of them instead of the husband they don’t have. I think Romney actually won married women but lost single women by a huge margin.

America is over

it was fun while it lasted

When Romney stated that there was no sense in working to get the vote of the 47% he was exactly right.

Blacks , Hispanics, entitlement seekers and non-taxpayers were the 47% and they carried Obama. White women put him over the top. Not married White women mind you, but Lesbians, feminists, whores who wanted their birth control and abortions paid for, Young girls who don’t know any better. Married women should know better, and I believe they do.

It goes on and on.