
The Perennial Fried Computer Open Thread

Dangerman12/30/2020 7:27:54 am PST

re: #220 Eclectic Cyborg

We already know Trumpism is a fucking plague but this NPR article really nails how far reaching the effects are…

Ten years ago, Dr. Kristina Darnauer and her husband, Jeff, moved to tiny Sterling, Kan., to raise their kids steeped in small-town values.

“The values of hard work, the value of community, taking care of your neighbor, that’s what small towns shout from the rooftops, this is what we’re good at. We are salt of the earth people who care about each other,” Darnauer says. “And here I am saying, then wear a mask because that protects your precious neighbor.”

But Darnauer’s medical advice and moral admonition were met with contempt from some of her friends, neighbors and patients. People who had routinely buttonholed her for quick medical advice at church and kids’ ballgames were suddenly treating her as the enemy and regarding her professional opinion as suspect and offensive.

COVID-19 cases in the county started to climb. Meanwhile, other small Kansas towns flared into some of the pandemic’s hottest hot spots.

“It’s heartbreaking,” Darnauer says. “Because we say, this is what we value. And then when we actually had the chance to walk it out, we did it really poorly.”

The pushback was too much. Darnauer resigned her position as Rice County medical director in July. Some friends reached out to support her, and her bonds with other local health care professionals strengthened, but she felt disrespected and betrayed by the ascendant anti-mask portion of the community. Darnauer says the pandemic has exposed a rift that won’t be forgotten.

“Hard things should bring us together,” Darnauer says. “And instead, this hard thing has driven a wedge between us.”

That wedge is splitting off health care workers from communities that desperately need them.

More than a quarter of all the public health administrators in Kansas quit, retired or got fired this year, according to Vicki Collie-Akers, an associate professor of population health at the University of Kansas. Some of them got death threats. Some had to hire armed guards.

“These are leaders in their community,” Collie-Akers says. “And they are leaving broken.”

Completely destroying their communities to own the Libs. Assholes.

trump talks to me. he says it like it is.*

dems wont listen to us, understand our problems, help us maintain our ‘small town lifestyle’. they only talk down to us.

* in truth, Donald Trump and people like him do not ‘speak to you’; they lie to you and you either don’t know or don’t care to know.