
Trump Spokesperson Katrina Pierson Wears Necklace of Bullets on CNN, Interviewer Doesn't Even Mention It

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN12/29/2015 8:25:12 pm PST

re: #229 Charles Johnson

Gee, I wonder why she would have escalated the necklace issue? Probably because she saw people getting offended by the bullet necklace and decided to kick it up a notch because it invigorates the entire right wing.
That’s my point about taking the bait. Her choice of imagery doesn’t just benefit her boss, it benefits the entire right wing. Hillary Clinton is no Barack Obama. She isn’t necessarily going to inspire turnout like he did. We need the GOP to be divided and demoralized, because they’re the ones who turn out to vote.