
Happy Birthday, Mr. Darwin

Kosh's Shadow2/12/2009 10:00:11 am PST

re: #227 Alouette

OT, but an answer to the question that I have been asking since US Airways 1549. Why isn’t goose meat popular in the U.S.?

I asked the kosher butcher if he ever gets goose meat. He says it is a specialty meat, and there is only one kosher butcher in the U.S. who process goose, by special order only, and only at holiday time. He explained that geese are aggressive bastards, very difficult to slaughter efficiently, and Americans prefer turkey. I asked did he ever eat goose meat, and he said he had, and it’s good, but not worth the extra trouble of processing.

BTW only the European goose is a kosher fowl.

Mickey Katz did a song, “The Geshray of the Vidle Kotche”, or “The Cry of the Wild Goose” (parody of a song with the latter title).
In it, a goose in a butcher shop tries not to get bought and shected (kosher slaughter) for food.
At the end, on the way out, he sings
“Goodbye little chickens, don’t forget to say kaddish”
(e.g. the Mourners’ Kaddsh, said in memory of a loved one)