
NY Post: Lecture Buyers Not Buying Palin

rollwave879/30/2009 11:49:47 pm PDT

re: #230 Dark_Falcon

Updinging a clear flounce is very suspect in my eyes. Why did you upding someone who was clearly flouncing?

I didn’t see it that way. I mean, I didnt check into the persons membership history or anything. So if they are a troll who hoodwinked me into updinging their post, then thats my bad and I take responsibility for it. but, i up’ed that post because i just honest to goodness agree with it. I think ‘sneering’ is a good word for the attitude the majority of people at this blog (that I still have a lot of respect for) are taking towards gov. palin. and I think that poster (or troll, whomever) raised some good questions. I wouldn’t agree with them that this blog has taken an overall poor turn or anything. as i said yesterday, I have been 100% behind charles’ quest to shine some light on the morons (glenn beck, etc.) dominating the republican discourse right now. I just happen to (passionatly, maybe over passionatley) disagree that Sarah should be in that camp. If it means I get 100 negative ratings (including many from charles, whom I have a lot of respect for), so be it. its how i feel.