
Overnight Video: Create

Killgore Trout5/28/2012 9:37:14 am PDT

re: #236 Flame Fin Tomini Tang

We are reduced to discussing ridiculous clothing on teeny bopper idols??

Oh, well…

We could discuss this brilliant plan to win the election just posted over at Dkos.
Can We Stop Pussy Footin W/ Romney & Fruk’n Arrest/ Indict Bain Already


Mitt Romney’s campaign has lied, his has money off shore (and no one has ever mentioned Bermuda/ Sankaty yet - where the REAL money is). After all, lawyers willing to break the law will be in heaven. If Romney, Bain & Goldman Sachs can do this much when he is just an over priced John Doe citizen; what do you think will happen when he actually controls the Department of Justice and can hand pick his own Attorney?

Otherwise, we may just see Romney, whose camp has managed to get Clear Channel, its Limbaugh and others to propogate the Lies. So much so that even when Romney did not win Iowa, Maine etc - he was reported to win and the public was duped.

This is what democracy looks like!