
What the Right Wing Machine Lined Up to Defend: "You Gotta Marry These Girls When They're 15 or 16"

Dark_Falcon12/27/2013 6:45:29 am PST

re: #233 geoffm33

May have already been posted, it’s about 4 days old, but…

Top Ten Things Fox Decided Will Lead To The “Wussification of America” In 2013

I can’t help but think that if everything is the wussification of American, then nothing is the wussification of America.

7. Paid Internships

On the May 18 edition of Fox & Friends Saturday, co-host Clayton Morris hosted author Ron Perlin to discuss internships and the “culture of unpaid work.” Morris asked if interns deserve money for their work, or if this demonstrates an “entitlement generation” and the “wussification of America.” [Fox News, Fox & Friends Saturday, 5/18/13]

Fun Fact: The idea that unpaid internships have become a problem has been supported in print by such ‘wusses’ as Mark Steyn and Kevin W. Williamson.

When you say something supported by National Review is ‘wussifing’, you might be a wingnut.