
Unedited Helicopter Video of FBI Shootout With Oregon Militant

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN1/29/2016 10:07:10 am PST

I have a really weird law sitch if any legal eagles know what kind of resources are available or somewhere to start: Nursing school classmate of mine from Maine has lived in Jersey for about 5 years. Back in his younger days, he had some things that turned up on his background check. (Cultivating marijuana. DUI, failure to sign a summons) All from Maine, from 2008 and 2009. OK so in order to get a job he is finding he needs to do something about this stuff. Short story long he contacts somebody in Maine and found out he was supposed to be on parole. They want him to come back. He isn’t working yet so he doesn’t have much money right now. I am hoping to come up with a better suggestion that head for the hills.