
Phil Robertson Fantasizes About Atheist Family Being Raped and Murdered

lawhawk3/25/2015 8:05:10 am PDT

re: #242 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Premiums haven’t skyrocketed; they’ve increased, but at a rate comparable or lower than the rate of increase pre-ACA. IOW, ACA didn’t cause premiums to increase.

Insureds now have more choices, not fewer. If you don’t get insurance through your employer, you now have more options - and more affordable options (courtesy of subsidies for those that meet qualifications). This is a marketplace that didn’t exist at all pre-ACA.

Policies that were eliminated as non-conforming for ACA offered few benefits to those that paid for them. In many instances, they weren’t worth the paper they were written on.

People who claim they were kicked out of their prior insurance will often note that the ACA was responsible for this and then ignore that the replacement insurance offered is substantially better than the policy it replaced. Covers more preventative care, doesn’t have lifetime caps, or prohibit insureds from getting coverages because of preexisting conditions.