
Stunning New Music and Video From Crowded House: "Teenage Summer"

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))4/14/2024 7:59:59 am PDT

re: #246 Romantic Heretic

My problem with zombies in zombie apocalypse movies is: Why don’t they ever run out of energy? They’ve killed off/converted their food source. Are they photosynthetic?

Might as well ask yourself what angels eat while they are dancing on pinheads.

As I have mentioned, I am no zombie fan at all but I liked World War Z (the novel) as it is not so much about zombies as it is about humanity’s reaction to any serious crisis: first ignore it, then deny it, then try to cover it up, then enact poorly-considered countermeasures that only worsen things and then mass panic when the coverup is blown, etc…

And Shawn of the Dead of course because it is brilliantly done British film comedy.

My daughter got me to watch the series I Zombie, which I could appreciate again for being witty and full of really bad music-related puns and gags. At one point the protagonist’s handsome boyfriend turns to crime, and the episode is entitled Felonious Hunk