
Video: Fox News Pimps Bogus Noah's Ark Story

ausador4/29/2010 12:07:26 pm PDT

re: #17 Gus 802

Yes. It’s all true! Noah, Japheth, Shem, and Ham also went on to “father” the people of East Asia, Africa, the Aborigines of Australia or American Indians all within 5,000 years. The polar bears were said to be rather grumpy about having to walk all the way back to their northern homes from Turkey. This was known because polar bears could talk and Noah lived to the ripe old age of 950 years.


It is all true, just ask Ken Ham from the “creation museum” they even have a graphic that shows how all of mankind has descended from Noah’s three sons. Along with proving how the fossils found by those evilution scientists actually can fit with the biblical 6000 year old earth story…

Image: noahs_descendants.jpg

///of course they don’t mention why or how Noah had so much…uhh…”sperm diversity?”