
Exquisite Classical Guitar Performance: Zsófia Boros - Nocturne (Mathias Duplessy)

Citizen K1/25/2020 9:12:55 am PST

re: #242 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

How this conman got sold as a straight arrow amazes me. His whole campaign was a lie.

Three Reasons:

1) A large swath of America has been convinced that assholery is a sign of being genuine, that any kind of politeness or professionalism is automatically fake and therefore being a gigantic douche is somehow more ‘real’.

2) Similarly, A large swath of America has been convinced that xenophobia and bigotry are rather ‘inconvenient truths’ and that open willingness to be a bigot, boor, misogynist, etc. is a sign of ‘realness’, that the more you hate, the more true you are and more valid you are.

3) The Magic (R) abides. Anything a Republican says is automatically treated as true and valid even after being debunked, and anything a Democrat says is automatically treated as suspect and the most pernicious of lies, usually even after being proven in triplicate.