
Overnight Open Thread

Summer Seale5/31/2010 5:06:37 am PDT

Good morning all.

Just waking up with my coffee to the news in Israel.

Looks like a lot of naive people were props for the Jihadists and were duped into becoming human shields without realizing that some very bad people on board clearly intended to instigate violence on a massive scale.

It’s the same thing all over again, isn’t it? So many wishful thinkers get into bad straits with people who just want to use them and get the body count up for political purposes. And no matter how many times it happens, those same kinds of people will do it again, and again, and again.

I’m pretty amazed at the level of irrationality displayed by the world to coddle the ignorant masses. They act as if Israel just wanted to storm the ship and kill people randomly, as if this is what democracies do simply because they are fighting against “oppressed people”.

However, as an atheist and a humanist, I’ll tell you what makes me support Israel (well, one thing at least). I just watched videos of the protests against the Israeli raid and every single one of them had chants of “Allahu Akbar”. Israel is fighting against the religiously-minded morons who base their entire culture on fabricated myths of a powerful and invisible dragon in the sky. Quite frankly, I’ve never seen massive Israeli demonstrations which chant anything religious in nature, and most Israelis I know don’t go around basing their lives and their verbal or physical reactions in society on claiming anything invisible and dragon-like is making them submit to his will (always a him, isn’t it).

So, while it’s a shame that people died, I really think it isn’t something I greatly care about. People die every day, especially if they’re stupid enough to fire and beat at troops in full battle gear who are trying to enforce their borders. Only the idiots and politicians of the world can be crying about this now. And as the current situation demonstrates: there are a fuckload of idiots and politicians in the world today. A whole fucking boatload of them, in fact.