
Code Pink Approves of Town Hall Screamers

zombie8/31/2009 11:38:48 pm PDT

re: #244 iceweasel

Uh, actually Bush had people detained and questioned, or arrested, just for wearing Tshirts. You couldnt even get into one of his events if you had an anti-war bumpersticker. At his events protesters were always corralled in a side area. And people were arrested for even looking like they might be there to protest.

WH Policy Illegally Silences Americans Critical of Bush




So far, after three weeks of trying, not a single person has successfully pointed out to me a single instance of a protester being arrested for threatening Bush’s life at a protest. I’m beginning to suspect it never happened.

And no, excluding protesters from camera range at Bush in-person events does not count. Were some off those politically motivated exclusions/arrests? Possibly. But that’s a different category of incident.