
Russia Tells US That Tamerlan Tsarnaev Did Not Contact Terror Groups During 2012 Trip

Kragar4/25/2013 10:55:55 am PDT

re: #20 Targetpractice

Speaking of which, Darrell Issa (of F&F fame) is starting up yet another investigation into Benghazi, using the report pushed the other day as grounds for accusing Obama of “covering up”…something.

House GOP Freshmen Feel Left Out Of Failed Obamacare Repeal Rituals

Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) urged leadership to hold a repeal vote so freshman members can serve up the same anti-Obamacare talking points for their conservative constituents that more senior Republicans enjoy.

“If you’re a freshman — the guys who’ve been up here the last year, we can go home and say listen, we voted 36 different times to repeal or replace Obamacare. Tell me what the new guys are supposed to say,” he said. “We haven’t had a repeal or replace vote this year.”

“We have not had a chance as freshmen to do that,” said first-term Rep. Trey Radel (R-FL). “Even if it’s just symbolic — and even if we understand that process-wise we are not going to be able to say, okay we want repeal, it’s done, and it’s over. But this is the issue that so many people around the country who love the Republican Party are frustrated with.”