
Jon Stewart Blasts Media Coverage of Bernie Sanders

William Lewis5/30/2015 12:20:41 pm PDT

Thank God Bernie is running. It’s the only thing that gives me any hope for 2016.

Do not forget that FOX has dragged the Overton window so far to the right that Hillary can race to the Left drastically and _Still_ be more right wing than Nixon was economically and Eisenhower was socially.

Only with Bernie in will we have any chance to hear real ideas about how to combat the oligarchy and falangist darlings of the radically reactionary far far far right who run as “conservatives”. Burke would laugh in the face of Walker - someone who couldn’t even manage what Palin did in graduating from college - who does nothing but what he’s told to by his bosses in Kansas and lies like a rug every day of the week. Rand and Santorum are equally bad.

Bernie, at least, presents the hope of a new day rising out of the ongoing disaster for the middle class that has been happening since 1980 with the election of the worst President in American History.

I’ve paid my dues to the Democratic Socialists of America & gotten accepted as a member in the IWW & will be contributing to the Sanders campaign via bundling being done by the Liberal Gun Owners of America PAC. I will do everything I can in this election to give people a real alternative to the far right reactionaries trying to destroy America.