
Swiss Vote to Ban Minarets

Gang of One11/29/2009 12:27:35 pm PST

re: #247 SixDegrees

And sometimes, the majority can be tyrannical, an early criticism of pure Democracy raised by the Greeks.

If it hadn’t been for representatives in government overriding the will of the majority, we’d likely still have slaves today, and it’s a certainty that blacks would still have their own drinking fountains, bathrooms and would be sitting in the back of the bus. Women wouldn’t vote, and certainly wouldn’t be wearing pants.

The whole point of representative Democracies is to protect the rights of minorities, not subvert them.

I understand the pros and cons of direct versus indirect democracy. But I fail to see where any rights have been denied. If the Moslems have a right to place a minaret next to their mosque and they are a minority, does not the majority have the right to not have a minaret?