
Photo of the Day: Dinner of the Damned

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/30/2016 7:42:21 am PST

re: #257 ObserverArt

Yeah. And people that did not familiarize themselves with his bullshit con history, his racism, and his misogyny voted him into the most important office in this country.

And it is not like the information wasn’t readily available…even if our screwed up media did no education and review of it.

Yeah, we have problems with the politics of this country, but we have a lot of problems with the citizens and many of our institutions too and that is what leads to our political mess.

This country is in a world of hurt. Is anyone going to do anything about it? Or are we just going to rot…inside out?

By all rights, Trump should have been weeded out during the primary, if the Party and the bazillion other candidates had done their jobs and made clear how unqualified he was for the office. The media was no help, either, as they treated Trump as a sideshow during primary season, rather than a serious politician. Then, when he won the nomination, the GOP abandoned all semblance of responsible governance (well, they never had it, so nm) and fell in behind him. Again, the media treated Trump like a sideshow, while subjecting Clinton to ridiculous scrutiny.

Maybe, if the media had subjected Trump to the same scrutiny as they gave Hillary, maybe the voting public might have gotten a clue that Trump was unfit for office. Maybe they would have thought twice about voting for him. Maybe.

Fact is, Trump is so adept at making his loyalists believe the media is a bunch of crooked liars, that by the time the media woke up to his flimflam, it was too late. Nothing could persuade the loyalists that their God Emperor was flawed in any way.

As for the Dems, going high while Trump went low was a noble experiment, but in the end a bad choice. And where the hell were they with oppo research on Trump early on? Did they assume, like everyone else, that Trump was a sideshow act, so why bother digging up dirt on him? Another bad choice.

Trump gamed the system.