
Onion Talks: PicSong, the Amazing New App That Turns Your Photos Into Music

ObserverArt3/27/2014 7:24:03 am PDT

Morning all. Since this is a sort of auto related thread…And I know there are a few auto racing fans here, just thought I’d mention that there is a Formula One race this weekend in Malaysia. Kind of a strange feel to this one with the missing Malaysian air plane incident. I wonder if it is going to hurt the event in that F1 races count on many people from outside the country attending and of course all the Europeans and others from around the world that are part of an F1 race.

I imagine there is going to be some sort of acknowledgement of the tragedy and I would think all those that do attend will be discussing it. Malaysia will want this to come off without any problems as they have the whole world watching them right now.

I don’t know who all flies into and out of Malaysia, but I imagine there was a bit of a concern if Malaysia Airlines was a part of it.