
Phil Robertson Fantasizes About Atheist Family Being Raped and Murdered

ObserverArt3/25/2015 8:17:20 am PDT

Hey all, just wanted to pop in and see what was going on.

After reading the middle section of this thread I am now really asking what the hell is going on? Really? Comedians and Phil Robertson being the same thing? Steve…give your head a shake.

Regarding the candidacy of SuperCruz and everyone saying why is he running with such little experience. Duh!

Because in DaddyCruz and Ted’s mind he is the “Chosen One” and you can not stand in God’s way when it comes to decisions like this.

Sure, many think that is crazy, but I bet the Cruz’s do not see it as crazy, especially DaddyCruz. They don’t need any other reason than this. Remember Jesus was only 33! Ted may be a bit behind…

And I also got to thinking about that crap Teddy spewed yesterday about 9/11 causing him to shift from classic rock to country. I was going to post it as soon as I heard that crap, but forgot.

I think it again shows Ted will say anything to get a rise out of a certain segment of our population. Classic rock is just that classic rock. That means much of what is played on a classic rock station is from the late 60s, early to mid 70s and maybe some hair band classics form the 80 into the early 90s.

Notice anything about those dates associated with ‘classical’ rock? Not a lot of classic rock would have been written around 9/11 and the years after it now would there?

I wish we had a media smart and quick enough to raise a simple question like this so that we could see the real Ted. That would be the one that would have to actually explain his crap instead of being able to go off on the next not-factual-round of BS.