
GM CEO: Thanks for the Money, I Think We'll Declare Bankruptcy Now

zombie3/31/2009 11:40:21 am PDT

re: #198 Slumbering Behemoth

Mom: “What do you have to say for yourself, Barack”?

Obama: “Umm…Bush started it”!

I was talking to some big-time moonbats last week. All the moonbats were abuzz over reports in the NY Times about tent cities of unemployed people in Fresno and Sacramento. As they were talking about it, I casually said, “Obamavilles — that’s what everyone is calling them.”

You could have heard a pin drop. Everyone looked aghast. Them some “clever” moonbat broke the silence with, “Bushvilles would be more appropriate!”

He got all the accolades. I got the shunning treatment.

In moonbat mindset, Bush gets 110% of the blame for the crisis, Obama gets 0%.

I didn’t bother to remind them that the stock market started its crash in September — at the exact moment when all the polls pointed to an unstoppable Obama victory. Basically, they crashed because of Obama’s inevitable election, even though it still happened during Bush’s last days.