
Desperately Thrashing Breitbrats Misrepresent Boston Herald Anti-Hagel Op-Ed

Kragar2/26/2013 2:16:07 pm PST

Jindal to Obama: ‘Stop Scaring’ Americans

Gov. Bobby Jindal barely had time to finish dessert in the State Dining Room before he came to cameras on the North Drive of the White House to accuse his lunch host of fear-mongering about impending spending cuts.

“He’s trying to scare the American people. He’s trying to distort the impact,” Jindal said. “The president needs to stop campaigning. Stop trying to scare the American people.”

The Louisiana Republican delivered his criticism of President Obama just steps away from the Oval Office following a lunch hosted by the president for governors of all 50 states. He used the opportunity to talk about the looming across-the-board spending cuts scheduled to go into effect on Friday.

“To me that’s a lack of leadership - for him to send out his cabinet secretaries to warn about all kinds of devastating consequences when we’re talking about a federal budget that will still be larger than last year’s budget,” Jindal said.