
Onion: Popular Children's Book Author Reveals the 'Spooky Truth' About Creepy Conspiracy Theories

Kragar5/31/2013 10:02:38 am PDT

Erick Erickson Continues His Impotent, Childish Flailing for Your Entertainment

Erick Erickson, in his continually futile quest to make himself feel like a big, tough manly man by shitting on women, has decided to respond to the howls of laughter at his impotent quaking in fear at the possibility that women’s financial pull is giving them decision-making power in the home. Because everything—literally everything—with him is about pretending his fantasies about being powerful and intimidating are reality, he’s trying to pretend that he teed people off with his comments about women’s natural subservience.

Many feminist and emo lefties have their panties in a wad over my statements in the past 24 hours about families.

It’s funny, because women wear panties and women are inferior beings! If he keeps saying it, it will keep him from glimpsing the reality that is obvious to all of us, which is that he’s just a substandard slice of humanity whose white male privilege has kept him afloat despite his obvious lack of any talents besides being dim-witted and obvious lack of emotions outside of self-pity and resentment of the rest of humanity for not being as pointless as he is.