
Video: Teens React to Rick Perry's Anti-Gay Ad 'Strong'

Gus12/31/2011 9:02:18 am PST

re: #265 Sergey Romanov

As for AGW? I will honestly say that I’m of the mind that even if you had the most liberal Congress and President ever, if you passed all the necessary laws - the world is still fucked. US is just one player. Time to think about geoengineering. And yes, that sucks, because it doesn’t begin to solve some serious problems (like acidification of the ocean). But, let’s face it, the emissions won’t dimish in time.

I didn’t get an iPhone for Christmas therefore I want new parents! I did get some other things during the year. Still! I wanted an iPhone damn it! Screw them! I want new parents!

[Slams door.]
