
Glenn Beck: Obama Invites Impeachment Threats Because "The Black Thing Is Over"

Reality Based Steve7/28/2014 7:31:51 pm PDT

re: #258 CuriousLurker

Sorry if I’m being dense, but you kinda lost me there. What ratio are you talking about—do you mean magnification ratio like when you’re talking about macro/close-up photography or do you mean something else? I usually see that written as 1:1, 1:2, etc. (with the exception being specialized macro lenses like the Canon MP-E 65mm that goes up to 5:1).

oh sorry. What I meant was the ratio between the longest and shortest focal lengths. For example a 70-210 zoom would be a 3:1 (210/70 = 3) and a 18-55 would be about 3.2:1 and something like a superzoom 18-300 would be a 16.6:1 ratio. The bigger the ratio, the more likely that it’s going to suffer at some point in the range. Little “point and shoot” cameras can do it because they just have a single wide range lens, and there is a lot of internal processing to fix the image. With my 15-85 Canon, I apply a lens correction factor in Lightroom and that takes care of 99% of it.

Does that help?