
Phil Robertson Fantasizes About Atheist Family Being Raped and Murdered

Agnostick3/25/2015 8:23:01 am PDT

I’ll make a bet with you. This family, the men of the family make these duck calls. They get this big-time show on some cable network. They pitch in their subservient wives, spout a lot of scripture and self-righteous gobbledygook. They begin to believe in their own infallibility. “‘Isn’t it great that I don’t have to worry about what I say? Isn’t it great that I can pretty much say whatever the hell I want, and people will still tune into our show? Isn’t it great that, sometimes, the more outrageous and offensive I become, the higher the ratings seem to go? Isn’t it great that there’s nothing wrong with this? There’s no right or wrong with this cable stuff, now is it dude?” Then, just like ol’ Lonesome Rhodes, one of ‘em goes off the deep end one day. He apologizes, backpedals, but not everyone buys it.

And then there he is… making one last, desperate, outrageous attempt at saving his failing show.