
Joe Biden Speaks Out: "We Have an American President Who Has Emboldened White Supremacists"

Barefoot Grin8/27/2017 3:32:36 pm PDT

re: #264 Anymouse 🌹

The New York Times is back on the “This is the moment he became presidential” train again, by praising Trump for his tweets.

Storm Response Showed a President Engaged in the Unfolding Drama

Apparently they are reading a different Twitter feed than the rest of the world, and “access” is so important they will say anything to get it.

I understand the whole “trying to reassure the nation” angle, but ffs, he’s tweeting and is just lucky as shit to have a fairly competent FEMA interim director. But as we are seeing here, the early stuff is always covered by local initiative. It’s how he responds in the weeks and months to come that really matter. I think he’ll have moved on. I hope not.