
Iran to Obama: Your Offer Shows Weakness

Walter L. Newton1/31/2009 11:18:45 am PST

re: #257 panamahat

Walter —
Agree COMPLETELY. Please see my post #194.

Well, in my opinion, you don’t understand my post. Steele is part of the whole big machine. He may be honest, he may be sincere, but we are NOT going to get much help from the politicians that are entrenched in the party. They can’t even fight their own party.

My whole “rant” was making the point that both parties have failed in my opinion, and we need new, fresh people to attempt to take it back.

Yea, I know, we can’t do it without the support of the national party. Well, maybe if the party at the national level sees that we are not going to be fooled down here at the grass roots level, maybe they will start to crack.

But, no, I have no interest anymore in supporting the entrenched, career politicians on either side.