
Happy Birthday, Mr. Darwin

Noam Chumpski2/12/2009 12:52:37 pm PST

Darwin wasn’t for slavery. Nice way to twist my point into something it was not. Straw man arguments to prove nothing. Why so touchy?

He was also reported to be a really nice guy and the father of 10 children who went on to do some good stuff; or at least the seven that survived. Had a great wife…

He isn’t a messiah and his theory doesn’t deserve this much adulation and slobbering, but it’s funny that anytime someone says something remotely negative of the man the foaming and fermenting appears so quickly.

I never wrote anything against his theory; just a historical point on the man itself - do you know what the full title of the Origins of Species is? Guess not. Gee.

I set a simple trap to see if there is any intellectual curiosity or rational thinking and found that there isn’t - just assumption and attack. Nice work.