
Live Video: President Obama's Budget Address

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/13/2011 11:58:17 am PDT

re: #221 barflytom

Ah, so life isn’t fair, and the government should have some role in producing a “fair” outcome. And your suggestion that someones legally acquired money isn’t really theirs because you don’t approve of “the system” that enabled them to earn it is a bit Stalinist, doncha think ?

NO not at all. What is Stalinist is creating a repressive thought controlled oligarchy who controls all the wealth of a nation and puts it into the hands of a cynical few who repress keep the masses fearful and fed on propaganda. That would be the GOP. As to a system that enables them to earn.. If you meant that someone born into a certain class can get an ever diminishing piece of the pie while social mobility stagnates and the roads to actually earning for themselves are destroyed you might have a piece of the truth.

The reality is that we are not in any system where those without an in from birth have much of a shot. over 40% of this nation’s wealth is controlled by 1% of the populace. There is no trickle down, only accumulation with the occasional tech discovery/firm braking into the big boys club.

It’s not as if they’re now primarily concerned with stopping child labour in coal mines is it ?

Well it is as if they are interested in maintaining a livable wage for their families and allowing American production to continue, rather than outsourcing everything to third world labor where it is so cheap because they do use kids in sweat shops.

Public employees should accept a trade-off between pay and job security, not expect to be paid more than private sector workers who have less secure jobs. Unions in the end are just protection rackets - “nice little corporation you got here… wouldn’t want anything to happen to it would we…”.

What a load of shit. Remember that bit about child labor? Do you like weekends? Do you like having a working class that can afford to buy your goods and keep the economy going? You are a moron.

And as to life isn’t fair. No one said it isn’t fair. However, it is the job of government to protect the citizen from wolves foreign and domestic. There is such a thing as not being evil or thinking that exploitation is acceptable.

As soon as you say such things, you mark yourself as evil.

In fact you mark yourself as repulsive scum of the sort that lived in Sodom.

And no, I am not joking.


Who deserves to be blotted out with all the other evil bloodsucking scum like you, who honestly thinks that you earned what you have and that God gave you nothing. Scum like you who feels no cmpassion for the sick or the old or the poor.

Scum like you who sees other humans as abstractions to be exploited.

Scum like you who thinks he is better and more uber.

Scum like you whom one day, Moshiach will blot out when Hashem schects the yetzer ha ra.