
Zefrank's Amazing Yet True Facts: The Proboscis Monkey

b.d.4/15/2022 6:06:11 pm PDT

re: #23 Charles Johnson

Carlson tells his viewers why they are right while MSNBC tell their viewers why Carlson’s viewers are wrong.

Are we going to keep chasing this horse until there are no democrats left?

Joe Biden is doing a historically incredible job against Putin right now but is sinking every day in the polls. Dems bitch about the right while the right writes the headlines. Influential left wing folks bitch on Twitter. The media do there locker room Twitter talk, the beat goes on.

The real world isn’t Twitter, the right is fighting us on Twitter while taking over every other narrative. Our left wing voices are sucking badly on EVERY front. Whining about how ignorant the populace is on the facts is bs and we deserve to lose if we can’t sell our message.