
Cap and Trade Pros and Cons

subsailor686/29/2009 12:54:35 pm PDT

re: #258 iceweasel

With you on everything but this:

creating rules that exclude the less financially well off in the name of “conservation”, the elites get to enjoy our national parks undisturbed by the hoi-poloi.

huh? how are the national parks being closed to anyone but elites?

Increasing fees is one way.

Park Service to Increase Entrance Fees

Under the new fee structure, annual park passes will generally range from $10 to $40. Fees per person would range from about $5 to $12; per vehicle, they would be about $10 to $25.

A $50 fee for an annual pass has already taken effect at Grand Canyon and Zion and for a combined pass into Grand Teton and Yellowstone.

(To be fair, this occurred prior to the 2008 election, so it’s not a dig at the Obama administration, merely the observation that raising fees is one way poorer folks are disadvantaged.)