
Michael Yon in Afghanistan

laxmatt19846/29/2009 7:15:28 pm PDT

Our current drug eradication program in Afghanistan costs somewhere in the neighborhood of 85 million.

The whole of the Afghan poppy market is somewhere around $3.5 Billion, according to VOA.

Out of that an estimated $500 million goes to the Taliban.

America buys about 80% of our opium - for medicinal reasons - from India and Turkey. India’s economy doesn’t need our poppy money and Turkey has not been the world’s best ally.

We could start a new contract with Afghanistan to make them our principal poppy supplier. Whatever surplus poppy we have we could simply burn. the $3.5 billion would be worth every penny. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda would lose their principal source of income, and the Afghan farmer would no longer be angry that America is destroying his only means of livelihood.

Seems to me like a no-brainer.