
Wikileaks: Saudi Arabia Urged US to Attack Iran

Gus11/29/2010 12:36:31 pm PST

From Zdnet.

Is Wikileaks Julian Assange worse than Osama Bin Laden?

Cyberterrorism has second-level effects, meaning that the actions of cyberterrorism don’t, in and of themselves, cause damage or death. Instead, the cyberattacks create the environment where damage can occur.

Here’s a good example. Assange’s release of confidential data won’t, as part of the action itself, kill anyone. After all, all he’s doing is copying a pile of files up to a server. But, once certain people get ahold of that data, they’ll get names of confidential informants, for example, and then go hunt down and kill those people.

It’s still terrorism. It just works a little differently.

So, Assange is, essentially, a terrorist. He needs to be stopped. He needs to be treated by the allies in the same way we’d treat any other terrorist. He needs to be captured, arrested, tried, and probably jailed.

Since Assange is such a publicity hound, maybe they’ll televise the trial.

So, is Wikileaks Julian Assange worse than Osama Bin Laden? I guess that depends on how many people die based on Assange’s actions.

Yeah, the title is a little over the top.