
Great White Shark Caught On Tape by Two Hilarious Pidgin Fishermen

Killgore Trout1/15/2012 10:26:33 am PST

Singer’s tomb unearthed in Egypt

Archaeologists have unearthed the 1,100-year-old tomb of a female singer in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, officials revealed.
It is the only tomb of a woman not related to the ancient Egyptian royal families ever found there, said Mansour Boraiq, the top government official for the antiquities ministry in the city of Luxor.
Mr Boraiq told reporters that the coffin of the female singer is remarkably intact and that when the coffin is opened this week, Egyptian and Swiss archaeologists will likely find a mummy and a cartonnage mask moulded to her face and made from layers of linen and plaster.
The singer’s name, Nehmes Bastet, means she was believed to be protected by the feline deity Bastet. The tomb was found by accident, according to Elina Paulin-Grothe, field director for excavation at the Valley of the Kings with Switzerland’s University of Basel.