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Higgs Boson's Mate4/30/2015 7:13:58 am PDT
Lawyer says fatally injured Baltimore arrestee lacked seat belt

BALTIMORE (AP) — No video captured what happened to Freddie Gray inside the police van where officers heaved him into a metal compartment after pinning him to a sidewalk. The cause of his fatal spine injury has not been revealed.

But a troubling detail emerged as hundreds of protesters converged on City Hall again Thursday: He was not only handcuffed and put in leg irons, but left without a seat belt during his trip to the station.

Unbelted detainees have been paralyzed and even killed by rough rides in what used to be called ”paddy wagons.” It even has a name: ”nickel rides,” referring to cheap amusement park thrills.

Police brutality against prisoners being transported was addressed just six months ago in a plan released by Baltimore officials to reduce this misconduct. Department rules updated nine days before Gray’s arrest clearly state that all detainees shall be strapped in by seat belts or ”other authorized restraining devices” for their own safety after arrest.

Gray was not belted in, said attorney Michael Davey, who represents at least one of the officers under investigation.