
New From Keith Olbermann: Which of Trump's Cronies Will Flip on Him First?

The Ghost of a Flea3/27/2017 8:52:54 pm PDT

re: #275 goddamnedfrank

They’re not going to fire back for awhile.

They’re scared of their base; they’re thirsty about the idea of “disrupting” the nation and getting the oligarchy they crave; they’re still at half-mast with the Trump cult of personality.

And most of the “new” GOP—the post-Gingrich ones and those thereafter—are weak. All that vanity and hubris makes them brittle and insecure even with all the power they wield. No surprise they’re all so venal: there’s no depth to their morals, principles, or religiousity, and little to no self reflection. Self-awareness is fucking tabu. Which is why they can pair Ayn Rand and the New Testament, or accept Prosperity Gospel gibberish and/or David Barton’s Mirror Universe Jesus, or just be bilk their constituents: it’s all about ritual displays of belonging, not about actual ideas that you hold and incorporate into yourself..

They won’t change course, because all they’ve got is their constant screeching about how axiomatically right they are….as such, they’ll fall in line. And Donald Trump is their multi-handed avatar.