
Quran-Burning Church Pastor: 'Islam is of the Devil'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/31/2010 6:34:58 pm PDT

re: #292 Naso Tang

We can nitpick the details forever, just like lawyers everywhere

No, it’s not a nitpick. You simply made a very, very false statement. I know American Muslims who consider themselves to follow Sharia, and it is nothing at all like how Sharia is practiced in Saudi Arabia.

I would also add that the only reason Saudi doesn’t cut off more hands and feet is because the rest of the world doesn’t like it, not because they think it is not Sharia.

It’s because they’re Saudia Arabia. Our partners in peace.

If you want to dismiss Sharia to something akin to the separate customary law allowed in this country on Indian reservations, be my guest;

No, I’m saying it can be anything from a semi-mystical way you’re supposed to live your life, or a strong set of restrictive, oppressive rules. These days, in the Middle East, there are a lot of semi-theocratic places where the oppressive crap is the mainstream.

This may come as a shock to you, but you’re not actually the guy in charge of saying what Sharia is and is not.