
Code Pink Approves of Town Hall Screamers

zombie9/01/2009 12:19:57 am PDT

re: #284 iceweasel

Remind me again: what’s your point here? Are you denying that threats to Obama have quadrupled? Are you somehow claiming that the Secret Service didn’t investigate threats against Bush? What exactly is your point?

My point is that threats to Obama at protests — even hints of threats — are routinely pursued. Which they should be. Yet during the Bush era, similar threats were almost universally ignored.

Yes, I am claiming that the Secret Service did not investigate any of the threats to Bush at protests that I showed in my report. I’ve never found any evidence that any were investigated, nor has anyone else — yet mountains of evidence exist for seemingly every single Obama threat.

But if you bothered to read my report, I say very clearly that I am not accusing the Secret Service of incompetence. I’m saying the Secret Service never knew of the threatening signs because the media never reported on them. I won’t repeat the whole essay here.

Yes, there is an article which says that reported threats to Obama have quadrupled. I’m not denying that. But the number of overall threats, reported and unreported, may however tell a different story.

Also, you are conflating in-person presidential events and just general protests. When the president is in town, the Secret Service gets very very nervous, and often bundles away disruptive protesters. This happens during every presidency. But when it’s just a plain ‘ol’ protest with no president in the vicinity — obviously then nobody ever got “silenced” during the Bush administration, as my Web site more than amply demonstrates.

I still stand by my report. It speaks for itself. If you’re not interested in reading it or understanding my point, then you are free to ignore it.