
How to Get Banned From LGF

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/29/2009 10:41:44 pm PST

re: #278 Teh Flowah

Well duh, if you knew nothing about it, how could you tell them the truth. Which is why you should read my hypothetical more carefully. If you knew the answers, you would start with that. Durrr.

OK you know what? People miss this point. Debating the merits of torture with someone who refuses to see the horror of it or the detrimental effects of it historically only to cling to the vain hope of evading the stain it brings us make me feel dirty.

It’s like debating someone who thinks that slavery wasn’t so bad in the South.

It starts from well perhaps they just don’t know, I’ll be nice, and then quickly gets to, I am appalled and sickened.

Read what the fucker above this thread posted. Get it through your thick head that our friends the Syrians did that sort of stuff to people that we, the USA sent them.

Get it through your head that no, it is not justified. Neither is raping a woman to get her to “talk.” These things are barbaric atrocities and our President made them happen in my name.

He should have been impeached and imprisoned for it. Our country has lost its moral compass so badly that we actually have to explain what was obvious to every American generation before ours. Why did we make the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution? Why have we courts martialed out own troops for water boarding in the past? Why did we hang Germans and Japanese for doing it to our men?

And yet here I am debating what should be obvious.

Shall we debate the merits of raping young children next? Because it is the same kind of thing.