
New Study: US Weather Stations Not Biased Toward Warming

Walter L. Newton1/30/2010 2:10:28 pm PST

re: #290 Aceofwhat?

dismissing clear conflict of interest issues at the highest level of a UN commission is dangerous.

i truly care about the science, which means i will pour my derision and scorn on the poor fools who pollute the conclusions with their conflicts of interest, and to do otherwise is dangerous. it’s precisely because of the distraction that we should condemn the individual, lest those who are not as educated on the science mistake us for whitewashers.

Ain’t good enough. You have to accept everything, hook, line and sinker. Accept the science, then you have to accept every person, scientist and organization behind it, no matter what their sins, no matter what their flaws.

If people like Ludwig get their way, the whole of this science will go south if people like Ludwig continues to allow the process to become polluted with the likes of Pachauri.

Sometimes, they way Ludwig argues AGW, I wonder who’s side is he really on?

False flag player?