
Seth Meyers From His Garage: Trump Fights With Governors, Reporters Over Coronavirus Response [VIDEO]

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/27/2020 9:06:01 am PDT

Trump knows how to work his marks:

Donald Trump stops to pray for ‘the sick’ with 700 pastors amid coronavirus crisis

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have joined a prayer meeting with a group of 700 pastors as they look to lead the United States through the Coronavirus crisis. They asked the huge group of Christian leaders to “pray for the strength of the United States” and “for those who are sick”.


Family Research Council leader, Tony Perkins, helped to organize the prayer conference with hundreds of other pastors. He explained that when the president found out that he was holding the mass prayer gathering, he insisted to join.

Perkins has described: “When I told the president I was going to be speaking to all of you he was in the midst of an extraordinarily busy day. [But] he looked at me and said, ‘I have to find time. I need to find time’.”

Perkins also said that the prayers of the pastors meant everything to Trump.

“So despite everything facing America, the two most important leaders of this nation stopped everything to pray with the people on the ground, who are ministering to their communities,” Perkins said.

The virus, Trump said during the prayer meeting, “came upon us so suddenly. And we were doing better than we’ve ever done before as a country in terms of the economy — and then, all of the sudden, we got hit with this. So we had to close it down.”


Note at the end how Trump interprets everything.