
BREAKING: When Trump Hosted Russian Officials in the White House in 2017, He Told Them He Didn't Care About Their Election Interference

ckkatz9/27/2019 9:12:11 pm PDT

Rachel Maddow had Timothy Snyder on her show this evening. Snyder is a Professor of History at Yale. I find him to be quite perceptive and interesting on the current ‘Trump’ situation.

Sort of like I think Sarah Kendzior will be in a few decades. (And I think that Dr Kendzior adds a lot of value to the current discussions.)

He made a lot of excellent points. Among them:

1. Trump is a symptom of a much greater problem. If we survive Trump, we need to fix that greater problem.

2. Respect for the rule of law is critical for the survival of our democracy.

3. Uncorrupted institutions are also critical to the survival of our democracy. he suggested adopting an institution and doing what one can to aid, defend and support it.

4. What Trump and his co-conspirators are doing in Ukraine is trying to steer a developing democracy back into the corrupt state that it was just emerging from.

(Their perfect selection of corrupt agents tied in with the fact that they do not have that firm a grasp of history make me personally wonder whether they are getting help from a third party. Such as Putin.)

I would highly recommend that you watch or listen to that segment.