
Medical cost nightmares

iceweasel9/23/2014 6:25:53 am PDT

re: #2 Backwoods_Sleuth

thank you.
It’s just so frustrating that the cost of healthcare has become so scrambled and increased to astronomical levels.
It’s about the only thing that Americans buy without knowing the price in advance.
Just insane.
I would much prefer the NHS or any of the other “evil socialist” systems.

I have to say—since I moved here (Scotland) 5 years ago, I’ve had only great service from the NHS. It’s made me even angrier about the inequalities in the US system. Jimmah (AyePod) lived with me for 3 months in NYC before I moved here, and part of the reason he went back (before I got permission to enter Scotland on a spousal visa) was because he had a health issue, and he would get better care in Scotland.

You’re right— it IS frustrating— I’ve posted before about a friend of mine, in GA, who lost her house and her savings when her son was in a motorcycle accident— She had insurance and so did her husband, and her son was covered, but the insurance company decreed that facial reconstruction was an ‘elective’ surgery. (!)

the poor kid had extensive damages, and only an insurance company or a wingnut (or a psychopath) would claim that fixing your face and jaw were ‘elective’.
Absolutely disgusting!

Thanks again for posting this, sorry for my rant.