
Seth Meyers: Panicked Trump Stoops to Selling Bibles, Calls Biden "Buden," Hit with Gag Order

Targetpractice3/27/2024 9:37:44 pm PDT


Always love when guests come down, expecting the response to their complaint about another guest to be “Yes ma’am, we’ll whack their pee-pee right away!,” and instead get me giving them a bored look and telling them that we can’t do anything unless we know exactly who did what.

Tonight’s example: The woman who put her stuff in a washer in the guest laundry, went off to fuck around in her room, and is now OUTRAGED that someone got tired of waiting for her to move her shit to one of the dryers and did it for her. She wants me to take down a written complaint (*sigh* done), to refund her for the cost of doing her laundry (not happening), and to penalize whoever it was that touched her clothes (virtually impossible). She was shocked that we had no cameras in the hallway and babbling that the hotel she stayed at in Florida would hit anybody who touched her clothes without her explicit permission with a $100 penalty.