
Indiana Anti-Gay Activist Opposes Mike Pence's Plan to "Clarify" the RFRA

Eclectic Cyborg3/30/2015 8:27:04 pm PDT

re: #297 Dark_Falcon

I’d advise not spending too much time with Twitter, though. The place is turning ever more toxic:

Mortal Kombat Producer Walks Away From Twitter Over Family Threats

A few years ago this might have been a bad career move for Himmerick—gotta get that social media engagement!—but today? Fuck it. Walk away, dude, and don’t come back. I know more and more people who are leaving Twitter because it’s simply not worth the hassle anymore, whether they’re receiving threats like these or are just sick of the community’s hostility and negative vibe in general.

The service was created to give people a means to share their thoughts, but if all those thoughts are going to amount in this business are threats made against the people making and talking about video games, then we may as well burn it all down and start over.

Fucking NAILED it.